How 100+ SaaS companies approach their comp plans

Before building your next sales comp plan, take a look at these comp plans trends from 157 companies.

In this report, find out:

  • The most widely adopted base salary and commissions split
  • If monthly, quarterly, or annual quotas are most popular
  • Changes in Quota:OTE ratios based on revenue
  • Who is responsible for comp plans that sales reps have the most confidence in
  • How leaders are paying on multi-year contracts
  • and more!

Building effective sales comp plans for high performing teams

QuotaPath has helped more than 250 individuals create sales comp plans for their teams. Our benchmark report summarizes how sales, RevOps and finance leaders from multiple industries build compensation plans.

To learn how QuotaPath can help you customize your next comp plan and automate commissions tracking and payouts, book a time to chat.