How QuotaPath plays an integral role to operations

expected commissions expenses

You’ve heard from us about how sales compensation software can help you save time, align your teams, and provide transparency.  

But did you know that tools like QuotaPath can also help you and your key stakeholders understand and anticipate cash flow expectations?  

For instance, when Silicon Valley Bank abruptly shut down, many companies immediately jumped into action to mitigate risks related to expenses and safeguard employee paychecks.

This likely meant understanding the timing and amount of upcoming expenses related to payroll, including commissions. How much would you need to pay commissionable reps at the end of the month or the end of the quarter?

Payroll systems provided a majority of the answers to their questions, but what about the employees with variable compensation? 

That’s where QuotaPath came into play. 

In SVB’s aftermath, we heard that many of our customers leveraged our earnings forecasts, deal reviews, and approvals to quickly get a pulse of their expected commission expenses for the month and quarter. They didn’t have to request special access, wait on a spreadsheet, or call upon a teammate. Instead, they logged in and had access to the info immediately. 

It’s moments such as this, when stakeholders need to understand cash flow, that QuotaPath can provide real-time insights.

Below are a few more scenarios that QuotaPath can help you with, no matter how the market or your business changes. 

Try QuotaPath for free

Try the most collaborative solution to manage, track and payout variable compensation. Calculate commissions and pay your team accurately, and on time.

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Get a pulse on expected commissions expenses

The SVB situation magnified the importance of knowing how much cash you’ll need to run payroll, inclusive of commissions. QuotaPath can be useful in making business decisions when you’re applying for a loan, fundraising, or need to report on cash burn.

Measure your capital and team efficiency

Since QuotaPath keeps a record of commissions, leverage the historical data to track effective rates, see the total cost associated with a win using our deal detail page, and showcase the info to current or potential investors.

Weekly pipeline reviews

QuotaPath’s team runs our pipeline reviews by pulling up Team Attainment leaderboards. Individually, each rep speaks to the recent deals they won, while sharing the next steps and the win probability for the remaining forecasted deals at the monthly and quarterly levels. 


If we can be of assistance in helping you get the most out of QuotaPath and manage your team’s compensation, please reach out. 

We’ve got a dedicated team here of experts ready to show you how our platform can play an integral role in your business operations.  

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