How to position yourself for a great inside sales career

inside sales jobs

As new tools make the world more interconnected, inside sales has gained momentum over traditional outside sales. In fact, today’s busy and hyper-educated buyers want to engage virtually in almost 75% of sales situations. Taking the prospecting process online and using tactics like virtual conferencing help inside sales reps engage leads instantly and achieve higher quotas than they would have been able to a decade ago.

There’s no time like the present to land a great inside sales job. But before you send over a standard resume and email, here are four strategies to help you position yourself for a transition into an inside sales career.

Bring on your energy

Successful inside reps should be able to engage prospects through email and phone as well as outside reps can close deals in person. The secret? Enthusiasm. Inside sales reps have to maintain their positivity and energy to captivate prospects and motivate people, despite any setbacks and rejection they may face.

In an interview for an inside sales job, keep your head held high and show off your energy and enthusiasm about the work. Employers will want to work with someone who’s excited about what they do, and who can rally others to feel the same.

Know the product

The best inside sales reps know their product inside and out. When customers have objections and questions, a deep knowledge of your product will allow you to take control of the conversation and convey confidence about what you’re selling.

Make sure you’re well-versed on how the product is made, how it can be used, and what technology stacks work well together. The ability to knock out demos and follow up with useful product info will help you move more deals down your sales pipeline (and impress your boss)!

Connect with insiders

Sales reps tend to be an outgoing bunch, so there are generally plenty of opportunities to network or meet people in the field. It’s a great idea to expand your network and connect with sales reps at local meetup groups or conferences. Make sure you come prepared with your business card and time for several conversations—you never know who will refer you to their company in the future.

Networking with existing inside sales reps at a company you’re interested in allows you to do reconnaissance. Instead of relying on conversations with recruiters or sales managers, knowing people in the role you’re trying to land can help you get a better idea of how to position yourself. Reach out to sales reps who are on the floor to get a sense of what they need and how you can demonstrate that you’d be a good fit. Face-to-face time talking to inside sales reps about their successes and challenges can be really helpful when the time comes for an interview.

Do your homework

It’s never a good idea to apply for a position or walk into an interview without having done your research. You should be familiar with company and industry leaders, what they’re doing, and what makes them successful. Take a few minutes to visit the LinkedIn profile of your interviewers so you can ask them questions about their work experience. When most employers have access to information online, it’s also a good idea to groom your digital profile; make sure you include quantifiable achievements and results.

Finally, articulate why you want the job and how you can contribute to the company’s success. Decision makers remember those who show them persistence and purpose instead of just telling them what they want to hear.

Pave your journey to success

Landing an inside sales career is a great opportunity for growth and development. Taking steps like the ones mentioned above can help you freshen up your knowledge and skills and prepare you for a career in a dynamic field.

Once you land your dream gig, use these 5 expert-tips from SalesRight to become a master sales executive.

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