QuotaPath’s brand refresh signals a commitment to compensation clarity and customers

New era of QuotaPath copy over dark green background

QuotaPath is pleased to introduce our new brand, website, and refreshed product experience. 

This new brand is the culmination of many interviews with customers, prospects, partners, and team members, and represents our company’s growth and vision for the future. 

When QuotaPath first launched in 2018, individual sales reps leaned on our platform to track commissions accurately and forecast their potential earnings.

“Our initial goal was simple: Make sales compensation easy to understand for reps,” said QuotaPath Co-Founder and CEO AJ Bruno. “However, in partnering with our customers over time, it became clear that our focus on reps needed to expand to everyone impacted by sales compensation, including those responsible for plan design, commission calculations, and payouts.” 

As such, we introduced new tools, dashboards, and features to better support leaders from Revenue Operations, Finance, and Sales throughout the entire sales compensation process. These included custom compensation plan templates, self-serve integrations to CRMs and invoice systems, holistic views of the most valuable compensation data for reps and comp managers, and in-app collaborative tools to streamline the management process and save time. 

Our new brand reflects our product’s maturity, and our vision for the future: to rally revenue teams around shared goals through an effective variable compensation process.

“QuotaPath’s brand refresh, under the leadership of our CMO Sara Strope and Director of Brand Melanie Taube, reflects a much clearer point-of-view in empowering RevOps, Finance, Sales leaders and reps to be intentional and accountable for their team’s compensation needs,” said AJ. 

QuotaPath: Smart commission management

In previous years, QuotaPath was known as the sales commission tool “built by sales teams for sales teams.” We highlighted the fun, celebratory feelings reps hope to feel on payday. 

But paydays can also lead to frustration when expectations aren’t met.  

From the rep who celebrates a bump in commissions after surpassing quota, to the RevOps director quadruple-checking commission calculations just hours before payroll is due, and the accountant tasked with issuing a clawback, money is emotional. 

Our new brand reinforces our dedication to all the stakeholders impacted by commision management and acknowledges the importance and complexity of emotions felt about compensation. This new brand also spotlights our sales compensation expertise. 

Our core attributes

Four core attributes will guide every expression of our new brand.

QuotaPath is a smart solution to a complex problem.

We’re confident in that because we craft thoughtful experiences and content driven by data.

We’ll listen, understand, and empathize.

We’re your collaborative partner by offering candid and genuine help while doing our best to avoid jargon. 

New brand elements

Color palette

Our color palette balances familiarity with freshness. The deep green is an homage to money and spreadsheets. We recognize spreadsheets are a powerful, comfortable tool for revenue operations and finance teams, and you can upload and export spreadsheets from QuotaPath. Our bright lime green and lemon yellow show confidence, and modernity. The orange and blue used as secondary colors reflect our close connection to HubSpot.


Simula (by Justin Sloane at Sharp Type) is a serious yet personable serif. Our new design system relies heavily on type as we frequently share insights, data, and guidance.


Our new illustration style was inspired by scientific drawings, reflecting the principles of instruction and innovation.


Our photography captures authentic human emotion and reflects the collaboration between individuals. 


We applied our new brand elements to our product, and the result is astounding. The new color palette and iconography bring clarity to essential compensation views. Key tasks and charts shine thanks to the lighter backgrounds and updated iconography. Go ahead, start a trial and take a look.

Have a look

Check out our new website. Sign up for a trial and experience our product.  Follow us on LinkedIn.

Or meet us in person!  We’ll be at HubSpot’s INBOUND and at SaaStr the first week of September. 

About QuotaPath

Sales compensation should rally your revenue team.

We see teams overcomplicate sales compensation pretty regularly. Balancing your core financial targets with the interest of your sales team is tricky. 

Our founders created QuotaPath in 2018 to partner with you on your compensation strategy and remove complexities that slow your revenue team down.

Through our sales compensation management solution and comp plan design expertise, we rally GTM teams through purpose-driven comp plans, commission visibility, and streamlined workflows.

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