‘Twas The Night Before GA

on the eve of GA copy

It was the night before QuotaPath’s launch and the team was scrambling to make sure everything was in place for the biggest day in the company’s history. To lighten the mood, Cole started a game in Slack that spread to the rest of the team. What came from it? Let’s call it productive procrastination… and a cute poem that will live forever on.

@Cole Evetts
’Twas the night before GA, when all through the street,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a Pete;

@Graham Collins
The assets queued by the growth team with care,
In hopes that many users soon would be there;

@Darby Dupre
The navigators were hustled, focused at their desks;
While visions of sleep and old fashions danced in their heads;
And AJ with his pep talks and I in my head,
Had just settled on messaging that gives QuotaPath street cred.

@AJ Bruno
When out in the hotdesk space arose such a clatter,
We sprang from our desks to see what was the matter.
Out the garage doors, we ran full of stress,
To hear the IT guy say we need a new IP Address.

@Ralph Pierre-Louis
The neon sign, shining brightly with its light,
Bringing joy to all visitors who catch its sight.
When, what do my listening ears should hear,
A conference audio ringing loudly, still forever unclear.

@Marguerite Hamilton
With a silence from others that was so absolute,
I knew in a moment that I must be on mute.
More rapid than eagles I clicked to my Slack,
And typed, “Give me one moment, I’ll call you right back!”

@Zoe Wolfe
Soon for the whole world to enjoy with its sales terms and jargon:
A polished product that for free must be seen as a bargain.
But wait, upon testing we just must change the copy!
Now we’ve stayed up too late and subsist off of coffee.

@Brandon Smith
With a Co-Founder/CEO, for lungs he has uno,
I knew in a moment it must be AJ Bruno.
More rapid than eagles, his navigators they came,
And he whistled and shouted and called them by name:

“Now MC! Now Eric!
Now, Cole and Pete!
On, Darby! On, Brandon!
On, Graham and Marguerite!
To the top of the Rocky Steps!
To the top of the ProductHunt chart! Now click away! Click away!
Let’s see what we start!”

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