QuotaPath is live: a free, easy way to automate commissions

quotapath is live

From the beginning, we’ve built QuotaPath with the idea that our product empowers revenue teams to achieve their goals, crush more quotas, and become high performers. We believe in a world where sales reps are so aware of their earnings and attainment data that increased productivity, efficiency, and performance are inevitable outcomes.

So what is QuotaPath?

A few ways we like to define ourselves:

  • An automated way for sales reps to calculate their commissions and track their quota attainment
  • A free tool that helps across multiple industries and roles: SDRs, Account Executives, SVPs, CROs, Realtors, Auto Salespeople, Medical Device Sales, Recruiters, and more
  • A product-led team that’s committed to building a platform that salespeople love to use

A couple of things that we are not:

  • A finance tool that sales teams might log into once a month
  • An accounting system that salespeople don’t understand
  • Another useless software clogging up your day-to-day activity

Unlike traditional solutions that are built without the needs of salespeople in mind, we believe that the power of QuotaPath starts at the rep level and works its way up an organization. We surface such impactful data that reps are finally able to see their superpower, understanding metrics that have eluded them for years.

Introducing the launch of QuotaPath

For the past 10 months, we’ve been in ‘early access’, gating entry so that we could build meaningful relationships with early adopters and use their feedback to build, iterate, and improve. We wanted to make sure that the app worked as designed and that the value of QuotaPath was validated. The feedback has been phenomenal!

Today officially marks the day we’re opening up QuotaPath to anyone looking for a free way to track their commissions and see their quota attainment.

We’ve tested over 500 comp plans from organizations large and small and have calculated that QuotaPath can support 90% of the plans we’ve encountered – from simple flat-rate commissions to complex plans with multiple variable paths.

Here are a few ways we’re helping empower sales folks.

Simplified tracking and measurement

Sales reps and managers are becoming increasingly empowered to understand their sales performance and take action into their own hands. In most sales organizations, earnings data is scattered across multiple spreadsheets. This can make it difficult to track how much commission checks will be, see quota attainment over time, track team accomplishments, and more. These challenges are a core reason for QuotaPath. We offer a beautiful, easy way to visualize, understand, and automate those metrics.

Understanding the past, present, and future

It’s important to know where you came from so you can know where to go. Great sales reps and managers understand this and use data to track a whole stack of important metrics that help optimize performance. QuotaPath is a centralized place to house all of your earnings and attainment data. With all your historical sales data at hand, you can analyze and compare your growth and productivity throughout your entire sales career. Sales reps will no longer have a limited view of their commission data and they’ll be able to forecast their earnings in real-time.

Team alignment through actionable data

The notion that salespeople are competitive by nature is nothing new. Isn’t life more fun when you’re winning? QuotaPath not only serves as a powerful commission calculator, but we’re also gamifying sales teams with shareable leaderboards and team goals. We surface important metrics like team attainment, revenue performance, and ranking of team members. Sales managers can see attainment and commission earnings on a rep by rep level and share comp plans out with new employees to increase onboarding efficiency. QuotaPath provides teamwide visibility and awareness which aligns the entire organization toward the same goal: crushing quotas, making money, and winning.

Start using QuotaPath today

If you’re already using QuotaPath to track your commissions and earnings, then keep on! If you haven’t, sign up for free. You can read about new features and enhancements on our blog and we’ve got some exciting things in store like CRM integrations and a personalized productivity dashboard we call MyPath. Today’s launch is the first step of many. Much like a career in sales, there are a lot of milestones and accomplishments, but there’s no finish line. We look forward to sharing this journey with you!

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