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how to fire a salesperson
From sales hire to sales fire: 5 tips for firing a salesperson

This is a touchy subject and one that no one likes to talk about. Ideally, if you follow my advice on interviewing salespeople you won’t be in this predicament very...

compensation horror stories
Sales compensation plans: Real-life horror stories

Raise your hand if you’ve ever encountered a bad situation with your compensation. If you work in sales, you probably have a story or two (or ten!). We asked the...

sales candidate qualities
Top qualities to look for in sales candidates

It calls to question a core tenet of business, but there is a lot of research around whether interviews matter in predicting on-the-job performance. It sounds so bizarre, but companies...

Product and Tools
Introducing MyPath: A sales journal made for you

If there’s one thing we will always preach at QuotaPath, it’s the empowerment of sales reps. It’s ingrained in our DNA, product philosophy, and even the way we run our...

salesforce commission tracking with quotapath
Product and Tools
Salesforce® commission tracking is here with new integration

Salesforce®. If that word sounds familiar, makes you anxious, or is simply a reminder that you need to go update the close dates on your Opportunities, this post is for...

NYE resolutions
5 New Year’s resolutions for sales reps

“How can I sell more this year?” A question that most sales reps ask themselves at the beginning of every year. According to the Salesforce.com’s, ‘State of Sales’ report, 57%...

NYE resolutions for sales leaders
5 New Year’s resolutions for sales leaders

Even though it’s possible to change or improve your habits at any time, having a new year seems like a perfect time to do so. It’s a brand new calendar,...

when to rollout a new sales compensation plan
When (and how) to roll out a new sales compensation plan

Changing a sales compensation plan can be a stressful and traumatic event for a sales team. With a new incentive plan comes the risk that you’ll be making less money...

salesperson gift ideas
10 meaningful gift ideas for the salesperson in your life

The holiday season is approaching which means it’s time to show the important sales reps in your life how much they mean to you. Staying motivated and keeping morale high...

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