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Man on phone checking his commission accuracy using QuotaPath
How to increase commission accuracy

The process of commission accuracy involves several vital steps to ensure that sales representatives are compensated fairly and accurately for their efforts, including clean data, clear commission structures, and regular...

buld and test comp plans with draft plans tool
Product and Tools
Build and test comp plans with Draft Plans and Plan Details tools

As you begin drafting next year’s sales compensation plans, wouldn’t it be nice to quickly understand the potential commission earnings and team quota attainment with existing deal data? In QuotaPath,...

how to compensate your CS team
How to approach your customer success comp plans

Although customer success managers (CSMs) have always held a critical role in retaining customers, they have taken on a new level of relevance and responsibility in today’s market. CSMs once...

Financial forecasting - photo of two humans chatting across a desk plus bar graph image indicating an increase
How can financial forecasting improve your business planning process?

This is a guest blog from Sage, the accounting, people, payroll, and payments software provider. Financial forecasting projects your company’s future financial performance using intricate data and analysis. It serves...

RevOps Cliff Simon
From Sales Rep to CRO: An interview with Cliff Simon

Although we unequivocally disagree with this action, companies dialing back compensation plans because their reps “earned too much” is not uncommon.  It’s something that Cliff Simon, Chief Revenue Officer at...

sales compensation dashboard image of person working on laptop with quotapath sales compensation dashboard visible
Guide to sales compensation dashboards

Are you asking Sales to fly blind? You wouldn’t try to fly a plane without the necessary data to follow the flight plan. But that’s what you do if you...

sales reports
How to create an effective sales report

The key to success in sales is having a flexible, well-considered strategy in which every member of your organization has a part to play. But regular sales reports prevent even...

streamlined commission payouts
Product and Tools
Pay commissions faster than ever with Streamlined Payouts

Over 20% of sales reps find themselves tangled in commission payment disputes at least once per year, leading to 9% of those reps quitting over it.   That’s according to a...

characteristics of the best compensation plans yellow background with dashboard image
Characteristics of the best incentive compensation plans

Incentive compensation plans motivate and reward employee performance and are commonly used in sales and sales-adjacent fields.  At its core, an incentive comp plan aims to motivate employees to achieve...

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