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Catch up on the latest sales compensation trends, tactics, events, and more.


comp plan rollout image of group of folks sitting in a meeting
How to Rollout Your Comp Plan

The importance of a masterful compensation plan rollout cannot be understated. It’s essential to use clear and effective communication throughout the process so reps fully understand the comp plan design...

example of quotapath compensation reporting and modeling over an orange background
Product and Tools
Unlocking Team & Plan Potential with New Compensation Reporting and Modeling

Finally, a way to analyze and predict the impact and cost of your sales compensation structures. QuotaPath’s new compensation reporting and modeling tools enable leaders to measure and model the...

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RevOps Metrics to Track in 2024

RevOps is evolving as it rises in popularity, creating trends in 2023 like sales role changes, increased AI tool use, greater customer-centricity, and different organizational structures. For instance, our team...

best sales books (image of hand pulling a book out from shelf
15 Inspiring and Tactical Sales Books by Women — for Everyone

While women comprise over half of the workforce, only 30% hold sales positions, with most filling customer service or account management roles, according to a survey by Zippia. Fewer women...

how to involve marketing in your SKO blog, image features a woman speaking in a microphone and presenting
How to involve Marketing at your SKO

An effective sales kickoff (SKO) promotes team collaboration, alignment, and motivation. Start this trend as you prepare for a successful sales kickoff with collaborative planning to align the entire go-to-market...

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Align Your Agendas with Sales Kickoff Themes

Imagine your sales team, energized and united, laser-focused on a single, decisive goal. Picture workshops buzzing with ideas, speakers igniting passion, and activities that drive home key messages like never...

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Best Sales Podcasts 2024

Podcasts have rapidly risen in popularity from 274.8 million listeners worldwide in 2019 to 464.7 million in 2023. With over 5 million podcasts, there’s something for everyone, including sales professionals,...

ae comp plan examples with renewals
AE comp plan with a renewal focus

Account executives (AE) owning the renewal process is common practice in SaaS.  But not all SaaS companies follow suit. In this sector, particularly among mid-sized to large companies, account executives...

avoiding over complicating comp plans, man sitting at desk with arms behind his head
How to Resist Overcomplicating Your Comp Plans

A well-designed and executed sales compensation plan is essential to company success. It is intended to communicate expectations and motivate sales behaviors that drive business goal achievement. If the comp...

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