Product and Tools

sales performance software
Leadership, Product and Tools, Sales
How sales performance software can improve quota attainment

You’ve probably heard of sales performance software at some point in your career. You may even have colleagues who’ve mentioned their own installs have come in handy. But what does...

hubspot and quotapath integration announcement
Product and Tools
Automate commissions with QuotaPath & HubSpot Sales CRM

Customer relationship management (CRM) tools are a critical part of any salesperson’s job and remain the most used tool in every great seller’s kit. Since launching a few years ago,...

fall 2020 g2 awards quotapath
Company, Product and Tools
QuotaPath is an industry-leading sales compensation software on G2

We started QuotaPath with a big goal: to transform the way companies track and pay commissions through an intuitive, automated, simple-to-use sales compensation software. With that goal in mind, we’ve...

controls of sales commissions
Company, Product and Tools
QuotaPath Plus is here: Advanced controls for team commissions

Calculating commissions is a breezy process. It’s automated, with accurate and reliable data, and easily trackable. A single source of truth makes sharing simple, scalable, and organized. Sales leaders have...

budget line items in quotapath
Product and Tools
Eliminate a budget line item with QuotaPath

We picked a helluva month to release our premium functionality. April 2020 has been circled on my calendar for months. We’ve raised sufficient funds to be a product-led company and...

Product and Tools
Introducing MyPath: A sales journal made for you

If there’s one thing we will always preach at QuotaPath, it’s the empowerment of sales reps. It’s ingrained in our DNA, product philosophy, and even the way we run our...

salesforce commission tracking with quotapath
Product and Tools
Salesforce® commission tracking is here with new integration

Salesforce®. If that word sounds familiar, makes you anxious, or is simply a reminder that you need to go update the close dates on your Opportunities, this post is for...

how to set commission rates for saas sales reps
Leadership, Product and Tools, Sales
How to set commission rates for SaaS salespeople

Now that we’ve set the quota for a salesperson, it’s time to talk about how to set commission rates. In the past, our CEO AJ Bruno wrote about his favorite...

measure and motivate your teams with quotapath
Product and Tools
Measure, track, and motivate with Teams

If you’re familiar with the QuotaPath platform, you know that we provide an automated way to calculate and track earnings and quota attainment. How am I trending towards my quota...

quotapath is live
Company, Product and Tools
QuotaPath is live: a free, easy way to automate commissions

From the beginning, we’ve built QuotaPath with the idea that our product empowers revenue teams to achieve their goals, crush more quotas, and become high performers. We believe in a...

multi plans
Product and Tools
Multi-Plan makes my sales nerd heart beam

I have a confession. I’m a sales nerd. Which is why I got excited about QuotaPath’s new Multi-Plan feature that has helped surface important milestones in my sales career. Like...

plan sharing comp plans
Product and Tools
Send comp plans and empower your team with Plan Sharing

QuotaPath makes it easier than ever to streamline and optimize sales performance. Our custom Plan Builder supports all types of comp plans, from Sales Reps to SDRs to Account Management....

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