
guide to creating BDR compensation plans
How to create a business development incentive structure

Your business development team might be the most entry-level folks on your team.  Yet, they set the first impressions of your organization to prospects while tasked with building out your...

Account scoring blog - give your reps a map to where to spend their time
Let’s talk about account scoring models

How many of you have worked for a sales organization without an account scoring model in place? It’s a challenge, right? Your reps chase deals according to their intuition versus...

motivate outbound sales behavior pink background
7 ways to motivate outbound sales using compensation

Despite the noise on LinkedIn that “outbound sales” is dead, the practice remains very well alive in 2023. In fact, according to a HubSpot study, 82% of buyers said they...

CRM sales data quality setsail
8 Questions to diagnose a sales data quality issue

This is a guest blog on sales data quality written by Lee Moskowitz, Director of Growth Marketing at SetSail. Your sales data is the foundation for future growth.  You use...

revpartners guest blog quotapath
The psychology of compensation:  How to keep reps motivated

This is a guest post on how to keep reps motivated written by RevPartners, a management and consulting firm that designs and executes revenue engines to supercharge their customers’ growth...

Standard SaaS commission rate blue background
What is the standard software sales commission percentage?

This blog includes the most commonly used software sales commission percentage with multiple compensation plan templates to explore for your own use. The “Great Resignation,” a nickname for the millions...

MBO blogs, 5 ways to put MBOs into practice
MBO meaning in sales enablement

This blog unpacks the MBO meaning in sales and ties them to sales enablement. According to Celeverism, some of the more successful companies that implemented management by objectives (MBOs) goal...

Quota attainment calculation
What is considered a good quota attainment rate?

Sales quota attainment is a critical metric for any sales team. It measures how well a team is performing against its sales goals and offers a peek into the reality...

How to set good OKRs
What are sales objectives and key results (OKRs): And why are they important?

This is a guest blog from our friends at Dialpad on sales objectives and key results (OKRs). In sales, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed with numbers and unattainable targets. Sales...

two women talking over work
Leadership, Sales
Why Sales? How to answer this classic interview question

No two sales interviews are exactly alike. In some, the focus may be on your experience and education. Other interviewers may be more concerned with seeing if your personality will...

what is a spif
How to set up a successful sales SPIF

More than 40% of reps aren’t motivated by their comp plans. An easy fix? Consider SPIFs. There are various ways to motivate specific sales rep behaviors and drive performance. Although...

weflow guest blog
How to build transparency in a sales team

This is a guest blog written by our friends at Weflow. When your sales team is struggling to hit performance metrics, one of the possible culprits is a lack of...

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